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[네트워크] free mp3 website...?


can someone tell me how to get some free mp3???thanks.
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포인트 232
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2003-03-26 03:45:27
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최신글이 없습니다.

최신글이 없습니다.

댓글목록 3

Tae-Hee Kim님의 댓글

if u want to download mp3's, u can download limewire or acquisition to download movies, files, mp3's, etc.  www.limewire.com and www.acquisition.com

lastly, u can use IRC to download MP3's.  if ur korean n ur into the IRC, it'll b no biggy.    juss use the new version of iRC they have for public testing.  I do not, however, have IRC servers that has fileservs which has mp3's for sharing.  in fact, the most irc servers i've seen only carried porn and pirated softwares.  If going for music using IRC in english, i highly do not recommend you doing so.
www.versiontracker.com (you can find the latest version of iRC here)

if you want to download MP3's using IRC follow the instructions below
1) set server to irc.dankun.net port 6667
2) once connected, type in "/join channel #mp3"
3) to look for songs, type in "@find song name"
4) when private messages are sent, they'll send you messages like, "!Blehserver i_love_you_b2m.mp3"  copy these messages that contain the song u want and paste into the chat room #mp3
5) accept incomming file when prompted.

Tae-Hee Kim님의 댓글

oh, i forgot to mention this..
www.apple-x.net did an extensive report on filesharing..
"As most of you know, peer to peer file sharing services are coming to a crashing halt. With the recent demise of AudioGalaxy, one of the last remaining Napster like clones, file sharing is trickling to a halt. AudioGalaxy was under fire by the Music Industry and made an out of court agreement not to allow the transfer of any music with out asking the artist first. Of course only around 50% of musicians, if that, are pro file sharing but still will most likely turn down Audio Galaxy's requests to allow there music to be freely distributed. Despite AudioGalaxy's lack of Mac support their were several 3rd party clients such as Sputnix, which allowed you to use the AudioGalaxy system flawlessly.
                                                                                                  Now Mac users are left with very few sources for MP3's these days. The few remaining peer to peer file sharing services left are Neo, Gnutella: LimeWire / Acquisition, KDX and Drumbeat. Despite the remaining services, they all have there own downfalls:
 Neo is a back door client to Kazaa, which requires you to scan IP's and takes a large amount of time.
                                                                                                  As for the Gnutella Network, the official client, is called LimeWire which is a slow and poorly designed Java application. Fortunately their is Acquisition, a Gnutella based program  specifically built for OS X. Unfortunately it is still in development and lacks some features and downloads are hard to come by, but that's Gnutella's fault.
                                                                                                  Then their is KDX, KDX is basically a newage version of Hotline or Carracho. Which features a NeXT like GUI and offers everything Hotline had to offer, plus a lot more. Of course this is client to server based and isn't really a network.
                                                                                                  Last but not least we have Drumbeat. Drumbeat is based on Open Nap servers and is currently only for OS 8.6-9+. The major downsides to Drumbeat is that it costs money and isn't for OS X yet, but will be shortly."
Here's the article <a href=http://www.apple-x.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=index&catid=5&topic= target=_blank>http://www.apple-x.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=index&catid=5&topic=</a>
there are no mp3's you can download from websites.

David님의 댓글

thanks, you're the best.

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